جمعہ، 19 جنوری، 2024


Started by Muhammad Ikram

Tilla Jogian (Hill of the Ascetics), found in 100 BC had been a center of learning for over two thousand years until it was abandoned in 1947. Hindu, Muslim (Sufis) and Sikh Jogis lived, meditated and found answers to the deep philosophical questions.

This place played central role in the formation of Punjabi calendar and Punjabi Day. Punjabi day was divided into eight intervals (instead of 24 hours), each interval is equal to 3 hours.

This place also has significance in Sikh religion as Baba Guru Nanak, founder of Sikh religion, spent 40 days here, meditating and discussing deep philosophical questions with other sages. 

This place was immortalized in literature through Heer Waris Shah. Main protagonist Ranjha went Tilla Jogian when his beloved Heer was married off to someone else. He became an ascetic and wandered the land of Punjab for over a decade.

Tilla Jogian was not a Monastery where people just gathered and prayed. It was a center of learning; of linguists, philosophers, sociologists, astronomers of ancient Punjab.

After creation of Pakistan, this place was abandoned and has been neglected. It's structures are slowly decaying. It is 2000 years of history slowly vanishing.

Due to it's historical and cultural significance, it should be preserved so the future generations can know and learn about the history of this place.


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